
Fourth of July Decos

12:00:00 AM

I dunno about you...but having children has turned me into a major sap for the holidays! Now I have always been a fan of the holidays. But my level of enthusiasm has increased 10 fold! I always make the main focus my mantel. My kids get so excited when they wake up and its switched out! This year I made a few new decos and added some super easy ideas in as well!

First off I want you to know that I crave more vintage old fashioned styles! I want that down home feel!

 The twine across the top I keep for the kids "projects". I usually try and do something "holiday" related! Since Noah needs to work on cutting skills I will most likely draw stars out on construction paper and let them practice cutting them out, decorate them and then hang them across! They look forward to their own personal touches!

First off...let me explain the Oatmeal tin. My friends have been like "What is with the oatmeal box". Well. Sap in me. It reminds me of my Grandma! Its an old metal tin can! Its red white and blue and I love it! So there!

You can find a tutorial for the letters "HERE". I used 3 different types of card stock and then connected them together with E6000 glue. The rusted star I found at Craft Warehouse a few years back! I love the way it added instant flair! Look closely at the paper...

Isn't that PERFECT!? I found this at an adorable scrap book store that unfortunately was going out of business.

I am in love with the NEW "vintage" ball jars! I have 2 cases and use them for glasses and a few for gifts! I found these adorable succulents at the Lake Oswego Farmers Market! I made one for myself and another for a friend! (directions are HERE). Don't tell my hubby BUT I think I need a few more cases of these bad boys as they are my newest fave items!

The little vases I bought years ago in a fancy little boutique. They were probably the only items in the store I could have afforded! $$$$ shop if you know what I mean! The stars I bought last year at Target in the $1 spot! I love that section and always find neat little pieces to add in!

The big star is from Joannes a few years back (don't forget the accept Michael's coupons too!). My friend one year for my birthday brought me the empty mason jar she wrapped with twine! Its simple yet elegant holding flowers from my garden! Who DOESN'T love the glass coke bottles?! I used 2 straws and discretely taped them together so that they would be long enough! I found them at Michael's along with the cute little pinwheels!

And finally, the old vintage quilt. I bought at a quilt shop that was closing down out in a small farm town! I scored it for only $25! I was thrilled! Will be using it for picnics and in lots of pictures with my kiddos for sure! Some of the fabric is blue with white stars and there are also patches of red with white stars as well! I just had to add it in!

I have missed you all so much! Thank you for your continued love and support! I am finally starting to feel somewhat normal again as my Iron levels have started to level back out into the normal range! Its been a tough go and I seriously cannot thank you enough for the prayers and the sincere encouragement you have shown me! You have truly been a blessing! Have a blessed day!

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