Bed rest

In recovery mode!

12:33:00 PM

Hello everyone! I know its been awhile! I will do an official "birth announcement" when we get Livy's newborn photos back! I had Olivia Joy 15 days early! She arrived on April 5th! She is perfect in every way! I unfortunately suffered from some major complications which could have taken my life (praise God for Him watching over me and an amazing medical team!) just 12 hours after delivering via c-section. I will fill you all in at a later date as I am not actually supposed to be sitting at the computer! I am officially on bed rest! Again more details later on! BUT for the time being...the pic above shows what I have been doing! I am loving every moment of being a mama of 4! I will be back hopefully soon...but don't be surprised it probably won't be till May! Love you all! Have a blessed day!

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  1. Hope you heal up fast with no more complications. Glad you are still with us. Love you!

    Livy is Absolutely Beautiful like her Momma


  2. Congratulations, dear! I'm thankful you're both ok. Praise the Lord for His protection.

  3. So precious. I'm so happy you are ok. :) thankful for his unfailing love and provision.

  4. Congrats! Love that smiling pic :))

  5. My bestie Diane (she's a blogger) actually alerted me to what you went through after bringing Livy into the world. Wish I can known more so I could have been praying more specifically for you & your family. As your due date approached & after I knew she had arrived I thought of you often & lifted you up in prayer though. I plan to read your next blog as well but I just wanted to apologize for my part in our falling out again. Take care of yourself & little Livy! She is just precious!
