Bird Seed feeders

Happy Valentine's Day!

3:50:00 PM

Today I turn into a sappy mush! I LOVE Valentine's Day! Yes...I know what most people say "Hallmark Holiday". But you know what? I don't care!! I hope today you are having a marvelous day! We will be celebrating with our heart shaped Papa Murphy's pizza and a movie at home! No better way to spend this day! BUT...I needed to share the Valentine's my kids took to school!

The Crayon tutorial { HERE } we put 1 crayon into a glassine bag. I let the kids tear off pieces of washi tape and then they added a felt sticky heart! Onto the backs I pre-made labels to attach (so we wouldn't have to write out each one!) We LOVED them! Emily Grace told me she had the most fun ever!!

Then for the teachers we made bird seed heart feeders! They are super easy! You need 3 packet of gelatin (clear gelatin...which might I add as the most horrid smell ever when cooking!) mix together with a 3/4 cup of water. Bring to a simmer in a pot and then remove from heat. We let ours cool a few seconds while we then gather up 3 cups of bird seed and mix together inside the pot of gelatin/water mixture! You shouldn't see any visible liquid. If so add more bird seed till liquid is gone! We then laid heart shaped cookie cutters onto parchment paper. Wax paper or even aluminum foil would work just fine too. Kids filled the cookie cutter 1/2 way with bird seed mixture. Flattening it out (we used a big normal spoon and a plastic baby spoon to help us!) We cut about 3-4" of twine and looped into the cutter. The kids then filled to the top of the cookie cutter with remaining birdseed smashing it down so it was nice and compact! We let dry a few hours and then I removed from the cookie cutters and we let them sit up over night!

I then used plastic bags (you can find at Paper Source or even possibly Michael's) we needed the larger size due to the cookie cutters we used! I then tied a bow with twine and then with red twine I attached a tag that read:

The kids enjoyed making their gifts for their friends and teachers and honestly I had everything but the heart molds for the crayons already at our house! So virtually we spent nothing this year! While we finished Valentine's we had Mushy hang hearts that I had the kids practice cutting out earlier in the day!

Now on Valentine's Day we have enjoyed 2 class parties, lunch at the park with daddy and are going to finish the night with pizza and a new movie! Happy Valentine's Day from my crew to yours!

(first flowers from daddy! She was a happy girl!)

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