
Be CHRISTmas - Easy Table Tree Decoration

6:19:00 PM

Welcome welcome to the NEW followers! WOW! How wonderful it is to have you here with me! I am excited to show you a super simple craft that you can actually do with your kids (under supervision as you will be using a hot glue gun!) Our Elf Snowflake enjoys hiding below this adorable tree and this year I decided I needed a second one as we love it so much!

You will need puff balls (I bought mine at Michael's) in various sizes. The green ones are tiny, the white ones are medium. The sparkly white and sparkly red are larger! Whatever floats your boat but DO NOTE...you will need more than a few packages!! The first time I made this I had to make a store run for more! Always the pits when you are in the midst of a project!
Above is what you will need for your project. Now I go with the smaller styrofoam cone shape...but have thought about the larger. Maybe next year! BUT you will need TONS more puff balls for the larger one! Can I just say we love puff balls around here! You can use them on so many crafts! We are always out!

I dump all my puff balls into a pile so that when I am grabbing I am intermixing as I go! Start from the top and work your way down. My advice is to put glue on your puff ball and THEN stick down on your styrofoam! It will be much easier! When I have all glued down I go back through with the smaller ones and stick in any areas that have "holes" or need fillers! See! Simple! And I love the way it looks! I usually just set mine on a mason jar but really will look cute anywhere! Next year I will probably make the larger one and have them near eachother for different height!
I used the tree last year for my dessert and drama table and just love how it set the mood for the table! Have fun...and don't burn yourself! Have a blessed day!

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  1. What kind of glue did you use Aleisha?

    1. I just used a low temp hot glue gun! It worked great! I thought about using a regular glue but wanted the "stick" to happen right away!
