From Awkward To Art

Proverbs 31 Mama-prenuer Spotlight - Protect your Heart

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I am so incredibly excited to have a dear bloggie friend Julie guest post for me today! I kid you not this women is hilarious, inspiring, down to earth and just a God send! I absolutly adore her and HOPE that one day I will actually get to meet her in person! I could not even tell you HOW we originally "met"! I feel like I have known her for eons! Without further ado...the beautiful, the amazing and the incredible Julie!


Hello, my name is Julie and I blog over at From Awkward To Art!

Today as I was thinking about some of the hardships that I have been through in life.
 I am wondering, actually I am well aware of how much I could 
have avoided if I had protected myself. I think of how much more peace I would have had,
during certain periods in my life.

When I look at this verse, of course in my mind I think of the show, The Bachelorette.
If any of you watch it, you may automatically know what I am talking about.
Kasey. The tattoo. The symbol he wore to prove that he would
"Guard and Protect Ally's heart."  That didn't turn out so well for him.
But the truth is, we are the only one's who can do that.
Sometimes we consider this as small, not that important so we carry on with our lives, our days~
just like the rest of the world. Everyone else does it, right? Even my BFF!
I just won't let it affect me negatively. But the truth is it does. Just as reading the word of God,
speaking the word of God, hearing the word of God affects you.
And we believe so greatly in that. Why wouldn't the opposite have the reverse affect?
Guarding our hearts is vitally important.Why? 
Because everything we are, every thing we do flows from what is in our hearts.
If you lose sight of what was once in your heart, or you stray even for a moment from who you really are, which is that person who had God's word hidden in her heart, then you can easily become disillusioned, hurt, sidetracked, lost. I've been there. I speak from experience.
Some days it comes naturally, to carry on with your day, loving, learning, and giving from that strength and life and love deep inside of you.  But some days, you are presented with a choice:
Will you let that thought control you,  that hurt turn to bitterness, that temptation to gossip 
speak for you, or even that television show or your favorite song persuade you?
Let's face it, we all know inside of us what has the ability to bring us down, or trip us up. 
We all know what pushes our buttons. Sometimes, we don't want to admit it, even to ourselves, 
But we know. That is the button we are faced with~ when we have to turn around, walk the other way, zip our lips, turn off the television, shut the phone off, close our facebooks, 
for the very purpose of being the defender of our own lives.

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