Hershey Kiss Valentines


12:00:00 AM

Last year for Valentines day I used the program Picnik to make cute toppers to snack baggies that were filled with Hershey Kisses! No I did not come up with the idea on my own! I found the idea by Cheri over at I am Momma hear me roar (one of my fave blogs to follow!) I loved how they turned out!

We also put in a container of homemade lip gloss which we made by using Vaseline and a packet of koolaid (we used cherry!) and stuck them in small containers we found at Joanne's Fabrics! I punched a hole in cute scrapbook paper, added a sticky dot and stuck to the tops of the lip gloss containers!

For her teachers last year we did this:

Inside were M&M's, conversation hearts, dark chocolate kisses and a gift card to Dutch Bros (right around the corner from the school!)

Excited to work on this years Valentines and having a hard time narrowing them down! Have a blessed day!

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