
Wednesday Memory Maker

2:19:00 PM

WOW it's Wednesday already?! Sheesh how the weeks are flying by! Today I had the honor of sitting in a room full of amazing women! When I say a room full think like 60+ women! I go to an amazing church and we have a wonderful moms group called Hearts at Home. We as moms truly ARE the heart of our homes! I have been attending this group for almost 5 years now! I started while I was pregnant with my first bundle of love! I really have no idea where I would be if it hadn't been for this group! I call this my monthly God Spa!

Today we had a talk from an amazing OBGYN that we all love! She was speaking to us about our marriages and how to not only make ourselves happy but that we also need to make our men happy! Her book recommendation was Under the Sheets by Dr. Kevin Leman. Her recommendation was that we read this book AND our husbands read it! The excerpts she was reading were hilarious and truly made us women think!

She said: "If you keep communication and commitment to each other as a high priority, and if you honor and respect each other, you will have love for a lifetime. And somewhere along the way you will find yourselves looking at each other and saying "You know what? What a privilege it is to share life's joys and heartbreaks with you, the person I know and love and understand more than anyone in the world."

Making memories isn't just about this cutie:

Or these ones:

But you also need to remember to make memories with this one (insert picture of YOUR someone!):

Go out, bask in the love of your spouse and see what kind of memories YOU can make!! I know for us tonight consists of homemade chicken salad sandwiches, How to Train Your Dragon (movie) and the couch...its a cold blustery day here! Great for snuggles, sweat pants and hot tea!

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