
Faux Headboard Tutorial

3:06:00 PM

Well here is a tiny glimpse into what I have been doing for my bedroom re-do! I LOVE it! I will tell you a new headboard was NOT in the budget! Even if I was to sell like a ton of stuff around my home it was just not going to be possible! So...I thought outside of the box! I have seen so many great fabric tutorials but wanted something simple. Easy. Something I could do with little to no help from my hubby, cause I dunno about you but if I want to do a project and it involves my husband...he probably is not going to be on board! He is the brainy one...I am the crafty one! We complete each other! This ENTIRE project cost me $53.50 which personally I thought was NOT bad! Especially since ones I were looking at online to buy were going to be a few hundred, on sale!

I found the most awesome person to help me at Lowe's! I was completely thrilled with his customer service and how he went above and beyond! Even dealing with a preggo with NO brain! I swear my brain has VANISHED! HA! Anyhow, I found the 1x4x10 boards. I asked him to cut them to be 53 1/2" per board length wise. This would make it exact for my Queen sized bed! I decided I wanted to really be able to see the boards above my heap of pillows...I am known as the Queen of pillows! I bury myself in them while I sleep! I needed 6 boards to achieve this!

I did have Paul set me up a "staining" station in the garage (so then the kids were asleep, I would have no distractions and we DO live in Oregon...so its raining!) I went with Cabot Wood Stain in Ebony. You will need the smallest can for this project as you will only use about 1/4 of the can! I also bought a sponge at Lowe's. I could have saved $3 by purchasing an entire package of sponges at Target or even Michael's but I wanted to just have everything I needed on hand at once! I wore cleaning gloves that were long. I did 2 coats of the ebony on each board. I wanted the natural color to peak through each board too. I love the look of the knots in the boards. The natural streaks etc. (also before you stain make sure you stain the side that has NO writing on it!). I also chose ebony stain so it would match my new furniture! Which you will see in the reveal!

I let the boards stay as you see above for 24 hours to completely dry! Torture when you want to finish SO badly!!

I wanted EASY to get my clear coat finish. The reason for the finish is so I can wipe if needed! Also then it would seal in the stain and I wouldn't snag blankets etc! I used the cheapest one I could find in a spray can! Double checking it could be used on wood of course! The picture below the spray can looks like I missed as spot with stain but I assure you I did not! I sprayed only one coat over each board (don't forget the sides and ends!) I did leave the unstained back completely bare! Let dry a few hours and you are ready to hang!

I bought 4 packages of the heaviest duty command strips I could find at Target! I should have bought 5 packs as the lower two boards only have 2 on them...the other boards have 3 strips! I stuck my strip up to the board and needed to cut a small portion off the end so wouldn't hang down! I put them about a hands length away from the ends...and then one in the middle, following the directions on the package!

Figure out where you want your first board to start. I wanted it JUST at the top of the bottom pillows I keep on my bed! Use a level on your first board before sticking (as per directions to stick on the package of course!). You will then lay on your other boards directly on top!

There you have it! Your very own FAUX headboard! I LOVE how it turned out and you really would never know that its not a solid headboard! The strips hold up to 16 lbs! So you are more than safe with each board (as long as you follow the directions!) Have a blessed day...oh and if you are wondering YES...now I know that my light to the left of my bed is not centered correct! That would be ALL my husband not me! HA!

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  1. I love this! And using Command strips to hang the boards is genius :)

    1. Thank you!!! I LOVE how it turned out...often times catch my self staring at it longingly ;)

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    1. Well welcome! Glad you have you! And thank you!

  3. This is genius. Thanks for sharing the super easy headboard!! :-)
