Blessing bags

Little Ray's of Sunshine

12:00:00 AM

He who oppresses the poor shows contempt for their maker, but whoever is kind to the needy honors God - Proverbs 14:31

I am excited to share with you something my family does regularly. We make what we call "Blessing Bags". We have been doing them for a long time now and its nice to always have something at the ready for that person that you meet at random that looks down and out. God takes the broken and He makes them beautiful. And we can help others by showing them they can lay their broken pieces at the cross and He can transform their lives. Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven - Mathew 4:3

I actually was asked to teach about this with my Hearts at Home group through my church a few years ago. It was amazing to have women come up to me in the weeks that followed letting me know THEY DID IT! They sat down with their families and they actually had the opportunity to pass them out! I explained to the group full of women, that you do not need to be rich to be able to help the poor. You yourself may also be down and out. But God does not want us to turn away. As the bible says He defended the cause of the poor and needy, and so all went well. "Is that not what it means to know me?" declares the Lord - Jeremiah 22:16

I am huge into couponing around here. I am NOT a hoarder and I do not clear shelves when I shop! But I do get things I wouldn't necessarily get if I know that I can give it to someone who can. As in: toothpastes, toothbrushes, dental floss, deodorant, soap etc. I keep it all in a container that we then take a gallon sized zip lock bag and we fill it. Fill em' for the needy and we bless them as we go!

We take oatmeal (instant), granola bars, individual boxes of cereal and sometimes even pet food and the kids place them inside the bags. Its wonderful because its something that THEY can do on their own! There is not a "set" way you have to do it! You can add in a pair of socks, washcloth etc. I guarantee what you put inside that bag is going to be an absolute blessing to the receiver. I have actually left in tears from the gratitude of the receiver! To finish off our bags, I have my children (yes little Mushy gets involved too as you can see! Doesn't matter that she's not even 2 yet!) make a picture and then we write a prayer down for that person or a personalized note. In the note we tell them they are not alone and that we are praying God's many blessings upon them.

The way I look at it is this...it is NOT our place to judge. I do not care what it was that made them reach the place they are in. It is my job as a follower of Christ to be the hands and feet of Jesus and leave the judging up to the big man!

Then Jesus said to his host, "When you give a luncheon or dinner, do not invite your friends, your brothers or relatives, or your rich neighbors; if you do, they may invite you back and so you will be repaid. But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind and you will be blessed. Although they cannot repay you, you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous." Luke 14:12-14

So go out amongst the needy. Make eye contact and smile. Let the love and the light of Jesus shine through you like a beacon in the night. Let their sorrows be lifted with your smile and your grace.

Have a blessed day!

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  1. I am in tears! I have felt this love for the homeless since I was a kid. I used to cry (and still do) If I see a person on the street or with a sigh that I can not help. I try to always have some cash on me, but I dont always have it in my purse or bank account for that matter.God made my heart so tender to them. I love your idea of a bag, to pass out as we drive around!! it is perfect for my area since most of the homeless use the money for alcohol, which we do not want to support( my husband is a recovering alcoholic). My husband and I, are actually going to start a non profit when we settle, giving out backpacks with water bottles filled with life sustaining goodies to Homeless Vets. Of course we will not turn away anyone, but our hearts our lead to provide for our brothers in arms who have lost the battle. I cant tell you how much this blog meant to me today! You gave me a refreshed spirit to serve! Thank you Leish for sharing the Lords message and being faithful to his path.

    1. OH you are so sweet!! I am so glad you could take a nugget from this post!!

  2. You Melt my Heart! What a Wonderful thing You and Your Family does.

    I am Blessed to have you as a Friend.


  3. What a wonderful idea, and what a blessing you and your family are to others.

    1. Just teachin' my kiddos to be the hands and feet of Jesus! I want them to walk the walk and not talk the talk!
